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SIERRA 44 CAL (.4295) 210 GR JHC 100 CT SIE8620



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SIERRA BULLETS, JHC, .44 CAL., (.4295), 210 GR, 100 PACK

These bullets were designed for the hunter requiring accuracy, penetration and dependable expansion from a 44 Remington Magnum revolver. In 1982, Sierra introduced the 210 grain #8620 bullet with PowerJacket. The dependable Jacketed Hollow Cavity and PowerJacket design makes these bullets extremely versatile. They are true magnum bullets, featuring a heavy jacket and 1 1/2% antimony core, yet they will expand reliably at 44 Special velocities. These bullets are extremely effective on up to deer-size game. The 210 grain #8620 bullets are intended for larger, more tenacious game, but also are effective for deer-size game. Because these bullets have flat noses and cannelures, they may be roll-crimped for use in revolvers and all rifles with tubular magazines.

*Sierra Bullets are not loaded ammunition. What you are purchasing are bullets only and will need to be loaded into ammunition in order to be fired from a firearm.

Diameter (inches)


Weight (grains)

210 Gr.

Sectional Density


Ballistic Coefficients and Velocity Ranges

.160 @ 1200 fps and above .175 between 1200 and 900 fps .170 @ 900 fps and below

Box Count

100 Bullets


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